WASNJ|Why Do Children Here Love Going to School?
Over the past three years, through conversations with many of our student’s parents, one common piece of feedback we’ve received is that children at Wycombe Abbey Nanjing are thrilled and truly enjoy going to school. Many kindergarten and lower school children dislike weekends and eagerly look forward to returning to school on Monday. We are both pleased and curious: Why do children fall in love with school once they come to Wycombe Abbey? What exactly has the school done right?
Mr E is the Deputy Head of Pastoral at Wycombe Abbey Nanjing and the Executive Head of Upper School. He has consistently promoted the “Positive Behaviour Scheme” (PBS) in student management. In simple terms, PBS focuses on recognising and publicly rewarding positive behaviour, which encourages each child’s inherent goodness and helps make positive actions a natural and voluntary choice. The “House Points” system is an important tool for implementing PBS.
In lower school, children earn House Points for completing homework to a high standard, achieving good results in competitions, or actively helping their classmates. These points contribute to their House’s total score and bring fun rewards.
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